Tops Day Nurseries have pledged to remove glitter from all 19 day nurseries across the South Coast, following the discovery of how much damage the sparkly stuff can cause to the natural world. The nurseries waste contractors, Biffa and The Resource South Ltd, have been working with Tops Day Nurseries to establish new ways of destroying glitter in a sustainable way.
Tops Day Nurseries don’t want it to go into the water supply or into the air because it would damage our natural world, so Biffa accepted it as general waste (it’s not recyclable) and are going to burn it for energy. However, this isn’t a long term solution and only burnt, even for energy, as a last resort. After implementing the glitter ban, Tops Day Nurseries don’t want any redundant glitter going back to the distributors who can only sell it to other nurseries and schools, so where can they use it well? To answer this question Tops Day Nurseries have set up the following competition:
Can you come up with a use for the hundreds of kilos of glitter that has been made but should not be set free for play or just fun? Can it be used purposefully rather than burnt? You could be a business, college, university or school student, a scientist, or just someone who can think outside the box.
Can you create something that glitter can be used in as a permanent feature? Something that will contain the glitter and stop it from spreading into the natural world? Surely someone can come up with something really useful or memorable the glitter can be used to create, after all glitter lasts for around 400 years. Click here to download the Glitter competition application form
Applications sent in to Tops Day Nurseries by April 30th to with subject line – GlitterBan. Applications will be marked on creativity, research, innovation and practicality. Maximum 400 words, explaining your product, and how the glitter will remain out of the natural world. A model or demonstration product can be included, photos/videos or in person, and may give an advantage to the entry. (There is a limited amount of glitter available free on request from Tops Day Nurseries to help you create your products.)
Vouchers: £50 and £25 x 3 for runners up, plus lots of glitter if you want to continue and set up a pilot business project to create your glitter enhanced product with support from the very experienced Managing Director of Tops Day Nurseries, Cheryl Hadland.
Do you have glitter at home or at work that you now want to dispose of responsibly? Send it to us and it will be put to good use throughout and after the competition.
JUDGES: Representatives from Arts University Bournemouth, GECCO (Green Education to the Community Coalition Organisation) and Just One Ocean.