20th June – Clean Air Day 2019

20th June – Clean Air Day 2019

On this day, hundreds of organisations and thousands of members of the public will come together to raise awareness of the dangers of toxic air and what we can all do to tackle it. Last year, Clean Air Day events and activities reached more than 1.2 million people....
8th June – World Oceans Day 2019

8th June – World Oceans Day 2019

On World Oceans Day, people around our blue planet celebrate and honour the ocean, which connects us all. Get together with family, friends, schools, community to start creating a better future. Join this growing global celebration on 8th June! Getting involved is fun...
Keeping cool in childcare

Keeping cool in childcare

As the months go on it is starting to get a lot warmer here in the UK! We have come up with some top tips that can help you and the little ones cool this summer! Drink lots of water Drinking lots of water throughout the day helps to keep your body temperature down....
World Oceans Day 2018

World Oceans Day 2018

Today marks World Oceans Day 2018! On World Oceans Day people all over the world come together to celebrate and honour our oceans and to start creating a better future! If we work together we can create a cleaner planet for everyone.Take a look at our founder Cheryl...