Early Years ECO WHEEL Scheme

The Early Years Eco Wheel™ Scheme is based on the 8 Rs of sustainable actions – Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Repair, Return and Recycle. It provides a toolkit to support Early Years settings become more eco-sustainable.

The scheme is the brainchild of Nicky and Fred Edwards, but was developed in collaboration with nursery owners in the Bristol area, and with GECCO’s own Cheryl Hadland, who came together to help other Early Years settings embark on their own eco journey. As nursery owners they all fully appreciated that the journey to eco-sustainability can be daunting; the Eco Wheel community aims to make it that little bit easier to attain.

The Eco Wheel was launched at GECCO’s first EY sector Eco-Sustainability Conference in London in February 2020. 

Eco Wheel Membership

The Echo Wheel scheme offers resources to enable you to go on a swift and supported eco-sustainability journey via a membership-based website – www.ecowheel.org.

A nominal subscription of just £40 a year (with discounts offered to multiple settings) unlocks unlimited access to a host of structured content, support, guidance and direction.

The annual subscription is in reality a donation to EcoFocus CIC, a not for profit Community Interest Company set up by Nicky and Fred Edwards. Your payment helps towards the cost of providing you with the latest Take-Action Toolkit resources and ongoing relevant news stories, tips, events and information.

Membership also entitles you to use the Eco Wheel Members logo, enabling you to promote your eco-efforts to parents, suppliers and EY colleagues.

Join the Eco Wheel community now!